6 Major Advantages of Plastic Injection Molding

Plastic injection molding is an extremely versatile method of producing plastic parts and has multiple advantages over other methods of plastic molding. Not only is the process simpler and more reliable than others methods, but it is also extremely efficient.Let's take a look at the top six advantages of this process: 1. High Efficiency- Fast Production There are several good reasons that plastic injection molding is known as the most common and most efficient form of molding. The process itself is extremely fast compared to other methods, and the high production output rate makes it even more efficient and cost-effective. Speed depends on the complexity and size of the mold but only about 15-120 seconds pass between each cycle time. 2. Complex Part Design Injection molding can handle extremely complex parts, and uniformity, as well as the ability to make millions of virtually identical parts. To optimize the effectiveness of high-volume injection ...